
Something To Be Excited About

Well, I guess there's a lot to be excited about since my last post. Many decisions have been made after much unnecessary worry and things are happening. To name a few, my brother graduated from high school, I have decided to move to SF at the end of August, my mom is selling the home we grew up in this summer, I have told my employers my last working day, and we have made some progress with Europe!

When first trying to decide where to go in Europe, we wanted to go to about 7 countries. Finally, we narrowed it down to the Great Britain and Ireland. As of now, the plan is to fly into London, bus/train up to York for a day or so, keep heading north to Edinburgh, fly to Dublin, then head on back home from the 1st of August to the 16th.

And the something to be excited about is that we bought the tickets today! And at not too shabby a price, either. So, looks like we're going.

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